Rabu, 02 April 2014

The Next Onverse Idol - Onverse

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The Next Onverse Idol

Get ready to rock! This update showcases new animations, clothing and a stage that you can control to become the next Onverse Idol. Ever wanted to be a rock or pop star? Now's your chance! Read on for all the details...

Onverse Idol

Near OV Central in the Hub there is a new doorway that takes you into the Onverse Idol stage and recording studio. Grab a mic and get to work! The stage comes prepared with four switches you can trigger during your performance to enhance the experience. From laser beams to stage fog, the onlookers are sure to be impressed. Roleplay your own shows, using the new judging panels to rate performances!

Singing Blend Animations

Your avatar has four new animations in the expression section that will allow you to sing with the held or hands-free mics. These animations will blend with other animations, so you can dance, walk and even ride mounts while signing.

Become a Rock God

Factory Fresh Imports is full of new gear to style up for your big performance! From face paints to rocker jackets, new guitars and cut-sleeve shirts; gear up and impress.

High-Waisted Clothing Options

Due to popular demand, we have added a line of clothing options with a higher waistline than the typical "lowrise" Onverse options. They are all the rage and come in a variety of options, including some new tops that match well with the bottoms.

Music Video Competition

Keep an eye out for more information on a new competition that will be starting in April. Use the new signing animations to create fantastic music videos. There are going to be some epic prizes, including the soon to be famous "Me Masks", where you can get your real life face into the game on your avatar! Stay tuned for more information!

Discount Store Reload

The discount section of the Onverse Store is full of new items at a huge discount. Grab them while they are hot!

Store Modifications

In the Hub, the Stables has been moved to replace where Home Improvements was, sprouts has been expanded into the old Stables location, and both stores have a much larger offering of items at one time. Additions have been made to His 'n' Hers (female side) and Overtone as well.

Create-A-Shirt Winners

The winners for the Create-A-Shirt competition are in and free for the taking inside the Onverse Store. Congratulations to the winners! Don't forget to enter all our monthly competitions for your chance at huge Cash Coin prizes!

Quest for Athena

Quest for Athena is on again! If you are new to this competition it is very simple. There are three treasures hidden somewhere in an area of the game. Each of them is worth from 250 to 1,500 Cash Coins. If you are the first to find the treasure, take a screenshot and post it on the Quest for Athena thread in our announcement forum and you win the prize!

Other Cool Stuff

  • Instrument clothing and all sunglasses/glasses have had a price reduction.
  • Some crime scene items have been added to Factory Fresh.
  • Don't forget to like our Facebook Page!

Onverse yourself... get inside!
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Onverse, LLC 2121 S Priest Dr Ste 110 Tempe, AZ 85282

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