Minggu, 12 Mei 2013

Que Onda? - Onverse

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Que Onda?

Welcome to our latest content update! For the first time in Onverse, we've built an event about the Cinco de Mayo celebration! New premiums are in, including a FREE premium, voted on by our community! Read on for all the details.

Cinco De Mayo

For the first time, let's party for Cinco de Mayo!! The Events map now has a new section called Whispering Canyon. This desert landscape has all manner of activities. You arrive at Dry Gulch where you can find the General Store full of new and old western themed items, the Salty Lips Saloon where you can wet your whistle after a long day in Whispering Canyon, and there is a large dance floor for the Cinco de Mayo celebration! Leave town and you'll find yourself in Whispering Canyon, full of snakes, bats and piñatas to find special gift drops for the event. What other mysteries might you find in Whispering Canyon?

New Premiums

New Premium items are in! This update includes the Bacon Hoverboard, the Rattlesnake Mount and the Dia de los Muertos Skeleton Costume. Enjoy!

Free Premium item

The community has spoken and included next to the regular Premiums is your FREE Premium, the Meditation Mount. Float through the air while enveloped in a gently pulsing aura. It's yours, just go get it!

Create-a-Shirt Winners

Visit the Create-a-Shirt store inside the Onverse Store in the Hub to grab your free tee shirts from this month's winners! Congratulations to all of our monthly contest winners!

Other Cool Stuff

  • The missing Threadz platform spawn has returned.
  • The teleporter by the old fashion runway in the Grand Casino has been removed.
  • A POI star has been added to the Hub map to take you directly to the Catwalk.
  • The title of the Tiger Print Lamp has been fixed.
  • Don't forget to like our Facebook App!

Onverse yourself... get inside!
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Onverse, LLC 2121 S Priest Dr Ste 110 Tempe, AZ 85282

Sabtu, 04 Mei 2013

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